Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) 

Business report on digital tablet

05 February 2023

Having the right MPF is crucial

Employees who worry about their financial position are more likely to be less productive at work and absent more frequently. Global research shows majority of employees want financial wellness education targeted to different groups. 


How would you like to continually monitor your MPF scheme design and provider performance, and ensure the scheme is being appreciated... all at no cost to you or your employees? 谁不? 

Make sure your employees appreciates your MPF scheme and help enhance employee engagement today!

美世 aims to make the task of designing, 选择, and monitoring an appropriate MPF easy and affordable. 美世 offers a range of simple MPF scheme governance services which help you enhance employee engagement with the MPF scheme.

美世 MPF Service on Broking

  • MPF provider review & 选择 
    • Discuss with client to confirm the key assessment criteria
    • Shortlist providers based on the assessment criteria
    • Liaise with shortlisted providers to gather data for review and comparison and negotiate fee discounts
    • Arrange providers’ presentation
  • Implementation and communication
    • Support client in setup new MPF scheme
    • Prepare communication materials
    • Arrange member briefing sessions
  • On-going supporting services
    • 年度回顾
    • Monthly Newsflash for employer
    • Quarterly Diagnostics report
    • Updates on Legislative changes as well as provider changes
    • Member communication
    • Quarterly Performance for member  (Target to launch  in Q1  2021)
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